Actually not really, on account that I wont go buy more pants just yet. I like the whole not buttoning or zipping of the ones I currently own--- especially now that I can play a really fun game with my coworkers (they just don't know it). It's called "Will they or won't they get flashed today?" It's actually quite fun and requires a lot of skill and concentration, especially when walking. I always did like to multi-task.
But yes-- it has been a month (and a half) since we last posted a blog-- and while I haven't been nagged, I thought I should be more proactive... consider it my pre-New Year's resolution (which is nice because it expires on New Year's Day). Technically we are six months tomorrow, but the pictures are from five and a half months--- so if you're curious to know what six months looks like.... add another chin, and make the screen on your computer a little wider. Okay- so maybe it's not that bad.. but sometimes it feels like it!
This last month has again, flown by. Andy was buys with finals last week, and did incredibly well in all of his classes. He definitely doesn't give himself the credit he deserves-- the man is a secret genius! We also registered for the little one last week-- we have an upcoming baby shower.. actually two... and it was interesting to learn that we were both highly opinionated when it came to how she would be dressed and what she would sleep in. My thought was--- if she's half me (and she is... refer to the roundhouse kicking in the post below)--- she's not going to want a lot of pink. Forgive me for thinking she (like me) doesn't want to be dressed like or put in a room that could be used on the set of a pepto-bismol commercial. Andy however, thinks that little girls are supposed to be pink... so after a little discussion-- we decided we could combine colors. So I'm going to go ahead and get the green and brown bed set--- and put a little pink sticker on her crib and call it good. Best of both worlds. And now you know how our marriage works :)
This week we're trying to get last minute Christmas things put together before the actual Christmas day. We're both working the next couple of days---and then we head out to his parents house on Christmas night--- it's nice because we will be able to spend our first Christmas morning (and last one alone) together.
Other than that.... it's been pretty routine.... we're focusing a lot more on Christmas festivities-- and it's definitely put us in the Christmas spirit... refer to the blog above for one example :)
1 comment:
This is SOOO cute! You guys are seriously so funny. I can't wait for Monday to do nothing at work with you!!
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